The audio platform that entertains and teaches children from 0 to 9 years old with stories, music, literature and children’s programs that improve their learning process and cognitive development.
Science shows that excessive screen time is associated with cognitive delays and poorer academic performance, but technology used in the right way can be our ally in the safe entertainment of our children.
It has been proven that audio helps brain development and the way we learn, because when information comes to us through the ear, the brain compensates by imagining it.
Listen to original audio stories, music, and podcasts.
Limited access a 6 Audios
Unlimited access to the entire catalog
Content suggested and supervised by neuroeducators, according to the child's age range.
Neuroeducators' practical sheets on the benefits of each audio
«Listening to stories, tales, music… activates areas of the brain, areas of creativity, areas of imagination that enhance the overall growth of this organ.»
David Bueno
Neuroscientist. Director of the Neuroeducation Chair. University of Barcelona
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"Excessive screen time ... has been associated with cognitive delays and poorer academic performance."
"Sound is invisible, but it is a tremendously powerful force....
It shapes your brain and the way you learn."
"If you want your children to be smart, read them stories. If you want them to be smarter, read them more stories."